Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oh Baby!

So I realized tonight it has been quite sometime since I have updated my blog. So long that I forgot I even had one and how to log in! That is pretty bad! So many things have changed since my last blog. It is crazy to think that it is almost coming up on a year since I have been done with school! But I am so grateful to be done.

I did get a dental hygiene job finally. I started in August of 2011 at Stonehaven Dental in Lehi, UT. I actually got hired on as a hygiene assistant first because they did not have a hygiene job at the time. I started and 2 days later I got a hygiene position at the office part-time. I worked part-time from August until the beginning of December. It has been great and such a blessing that I found this job so quickly. I work four days a week and about ten hours each day. We see tons of patients in hygiene each day which keeps me very busy which is good.

Kevin has been going to school at BYU and also working at the facilities there. He does really well in school because he studies non-stop and gets paid to do his homework at work. :) He is also played on an intermural flag football team and is now playing on a basketball team. I love to go watch him play because he loves playing any sport no matter what it is, he is still a kid at heart. :)

The other really big and excited news is that we are having a baby boy due May 23rd. :) We are so excited for the changes that will be happening in our family. We are planning on naming him Boston Glen. He is already as active as his dad. He is a squirmy little guy. Kevin loves to feel him kick. We are looking forward to May, but I am not counting down. The reason for that is because Heather, my sister, got her mission call and leaves in April. I am not looking forward to that so I can definitely wait for it come. I am already a mess about her leaving and don't like to talk about it. As soon as the topic is brought up I start crying, so that is all I will write about that for now.

Right now we are living in Provo and we are moving to Pleasant Grove to a townhouse the beginning of March. We are so excited for a few reasons. We will finally have a dishwasher and a washer and dryer. We have not had one of those since we have been married. Another reason is we will have windows that light can come through! We live in a basement apartment right now and I feel like I am in a cave. I need sunlight and to be able to open windows. It just makes the whole house so much better. Yay! We will also be closer to Lehi, where I work, that way I don't have as far of a commute. That will also be nice. This does mean we will need another car, so that is our next project is finding a car.

I think that is all the updates I have for now or that I can think of. We have definitely been greatly blessed and I am so grateful for that.